A tempestade Éowyn, que promete trazer condições adversas ao norte de Portugal, deverá afetar especialmente o litoral durante este fim de semana. O Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera (IPMA) emitiu avisos de mau tempo, prevenindo ventos fortes com rajadas que podem ultrapassar os 80 km/h, chuva intensa e marítima, com ondas que poderão atingir mais de 5 metros.Face a esta previsão, a administração do Parque de Campismo Sereia da Gelfa, apela aos seus clientes especialmente os “Anuais” para evitarem frequentar o parque durante este período. “Pedimos aos nossos clientes que priorizem a sua segurança e evitem deslocamentos ao ...Continue Reading
Dear customers, We would like to inform you that the 4th bathroom will be temporarily closed for renovations starting from 12/2 until completion. We appreciate everyone's understanding and patience during this period. Sincerely, Management ...Continue Reading
Dear customers, We would like to inform you that, as communicated at the end of 2023, we are finalizing the installation of water and electricity meters. With this, we would like to highlight that, upon completion of this installation, we will begin the measurement process and subsequently billing for the services provided based on usage. Upon activation of the meters, the consumption of water and electricity will commence being measured. We appreciate the understanding and cooperation of everyone, and we are available to clarify any additional questions. Sincerely,Management. ...Continue Reading
Reopening on 1st of July 2023 It is with great joy that we inform you that the reopening of the pools and slides Sereia da Gelfa is on the 1st of July 2023. Get your swimsuit ready and come visit us. ...Continue Reading
We advise all users that between Thursday, October 29, from 6 pm until Monday, November 1, until 6 am, it is not advisable to stay at the campsite due to bad weather forecast. Thank you in advance for your understanding. ...Continue Reading
2849 - Take Away Service
The bathroom will be temporarily closed
segunda 12 fevereiro, 2024
Communication to our ANNUALS
domingo 31 dezembro, 2023
Reopening of the Sereia da Gelfa Pools and Slides on the 1st of July 2023
sexta 16 junho, 2023
Alert to all users of the park
quinta 28 outubro, 2021